*Do not actually shake hands with your testers just yet

The original goal of the Phase 2 is to transform your wireframes into mockups by conducting tests sessions, and improve your mockups based on the feedback.

You're going to conduct 2 tests sessions with at least 2 end-users for each session.

As you will not be able to test it physically, the adapted goal is to gather feedback on your project from end-users, through zoom interviews.

Here's a table of content to guide you through this document

Prepare the tests

1. Define your project

What is the purpose of your product/service?

<aside> 📝 The purpose of this application is to provide entertaining activities to raise awareness about marine fauna and flora among tourists.


What problem do you want to solve? And how?

The problem that will be solved is the fact that tourists are not aware enough about the marine fauna and flora and thus don't necessarily take the right actions to protect it.

What are the features? Rank the features in order of importance

<aside> 📕 Main feature : Take on challenges - By logging into the application, the user can view a list of challenges and choose to accept them. The challenges are adapted to the user's location, which he/she must enter at the beginning. The challenges are exclusively about taking pictures of specific species. The user can either choose to take a photo using his phone's camera or use a photo from his phone's photo gallery. It is sufficient to post a single photo for each challenges. By completing the challenge, if the user succeeds, a number of points are attributed to him. In addition, the user is given information on the species taken in photo. The information on the different species photographed comes from a scientific database.
